Disable and remove inactive accounts in Active Directory

Quite a few companies don’t have proper account management software to maintain their users in Active Directory . Accounts that remain active while the employees already left the company can be a security risk. This little script will disable and remove inactive accounts.

    Disable and remove inactive user accounts from Active Directory

    This script queries active directory to locate user accounts that have not been active for x days.
    Currently the script is wired to do the following:
        a) Disable user accounts that have been inactive for x days
        b) Remove user accounts that have been disabled for x days

    To get this to work, you need to do the following:
        - Run the script as a domain administrator, or with an account that has the privilege to disable and remove accounts
        - PowerShell needs to run as administrator

    .\Cleanup-ActiveDirectory.ps1 -DisableDays 90 -RemoveDays 180

    Version:        0.1
    Author:         Peter The Automator
    Website:        https://petertheautomator.com
Param (

#Get dates for current date minus a bunch of days
[datetime]$DisableDate = (get-date).AddDays(-$DisableDays)
[datetime]$RemoveDate = (get-date).AddDays(-$RemoveDays)

#Get all the users and service accounts
[array]$ExcludedAccounts = "Administrator","Guest","krbtgt","HelpAssistant" #Excluded accounts
Try {
    $Users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties Name,SamAccountName,LastLogonDate,Enabled,WhenChanged
} Catch {
    Write-Error "Failed to find AD accounts. Error: '$($_.Exception.Message)'."
	exit 1

#Disable all accounts that have not ben used during the last x days
Try {
    $DisableUsers = $Users | Where-Object {($_.lastlogonDate -le $DisableDate) -and ($_.Enabled -eq $True) -and ($ExcludedAccounts -notcontains $_.SamAccountName)} | Sort-Object Name
    If ($DisableUsers) {
        Write-Host "Disabling $($DisableUsers.Count) users:"
        $DisableUsers | Select-Object Name,SamAccountName,LastLogonDate,WhenChanged
        $DisableUsers | Disable-ADAccount
} Catch {
    Write-Error "Failed to disable the accounts. Error: '$($_.Exception.Message)'."
	exit 1

#Remove users that have been disabled for x days
Try {
    $RemoveUsers = $Users | Where-Object {($_.WhenChanged -le $RemoveDate) -and ($_.Enabled -eq $False) -and ($ExcludedAccounts -notcontains $_.SamAccountName)} | Sort-Object Name
    If ($RemoveUsers) {
        Write-Host "Removing $($RemoveUsers.Count) users:"
        $RemoveUsers | Select-Object Name,SamAccountName,LastLogonDate,WhenChanged
        $RemoveUsers | Remove-ADUser
} Catch {
    Write-Error "Failed to remove the accounts. Error: '$($_.Exception.Message)'."
	exit 1

The script performs the following actions:
– Disable accounts that have not been active for x days.
– Remove accounts that have been disabled and untouched for x days.

I have added an exclusion list for accounts that are default within Active Directory. It can be extended by custom accounts if needed.

Disclaimer: This script is capable of doing serious harm to your environment. Using this script is your own responsibility.